personalized flight training


You can time build with a buddy and save big!

  • Affordable Time Building for Pilots in Miami
  • C-172 N Rental

    Share Time Building
    $83 per hour wet

  • Information

    Whether you are time building for your Instrument rating or your Commercial pilot certificate, or you are a foreign pilot wanting to achieve hours faster than in your home country we have you covered.

  • Requirements

    Hold a FAA PPL License
    FAA PPL foreign based.
    Rental Insurance Medical 3rd Class.

Find the answers that you need

  • What if my PPL is from another country?
    How can I convert it to the FAA one?

    14 CFR 61.75: a foreign pilot who holds a private pilot license may convert that license to an FAA Private Pilot Certificate with just a few steps, the best part: NO additional testing!

    We will organize everything for you.

  • Can you get me a pilot partner to share costs?

    Sure. many of our students will need hours at some point during their training. Besides, a lot of people from other countries where flying is more expensive than in the US come to Skyduo in order to log hours faster and live the US flying experience.

  • Do both pilots log PIC hours?

    That is a question many people from abroad ask, the answer is yes.

    In the US both pilots logged PIC hours Your hours will be apostilled at the end of your staying here.

  • Address

    14933 NW 41st Avenue. Hangar 51
    Miami Opa-Locka Executive Airport


    +1 954 8025445
    +1 305 3368229

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